In this entry I want to describe and write about my reflections connected with Science and English classes I've conducted in the first grade.
During English classes children got to know 'We're going on a bear hunt' story and vocabulary included in it. I've started the lesson with the short intro - using the colourful blotting paper, I was simulating walking through grass, mud or river. Then I introduced new words, drilled and mimed them with kids. We also played the game where students were supposed to lead a toy worm to the word said by me. After that, pupils matched flashcards with wordcards. Then, there was a time for watching a video version of the book as well as acting it out (we 'went' on our own bear hunt :) The lesson ended with making a project - each child's task was to fill the missing letters in the words written on the bear and colour the bear.
The topic of Science lessons was 'Pushes and pulls'. During these classes students had the opportunity to watch a short video which clearly showed them the difference between push and pull. Other activities were about showing the examples of pushing and pulling (by me and children). Kids also made exercises from the coursebooks, two worksheets and solved the quiz. Moreover, pupils could have practiced new topic through the rhythmical exercise - when I was beating out a rhythm using the shaker, students had to move according to the pace, but when I stopped they had to show me push or pull - depending on what I've chosen.
I think that lessons I've described were successful. I can assume this in view of children's engagement and interest - especially during English. Moreover, the proposed activities were adjusted to kids' age, their thinking skills as well as the language level. Nevertheless, there is one thing I could have done differently. What I mean is the way of conducting the activity when we 'went' on a bear hunt - we were walking around the classroom to different places like mud, grass, river or forest (using flashcards). I think that doing this in the corridor could have been a better idea - there would be bigger space to walk so that everybody could be in the same place at the same time e.g. next to the forest or mud :)
The idea of going to a bear hunt is great. and I also like the push and pull game you introduced in your reflections.
OdpowiedzUsuńI could learn more from your description of your experiences.
Thanks very much for sharing.